The Rugby League Training System for On-field Results
Our proven system has been designed specifically for Junior and Senior Rugby League players to intensify speed, agility, strength and power. We assist players in reaching their full potential as Rugby League players through one-on-one coaching, online training and specialised Rugby League clinics.
MOST IMPROVED 24 🏆 REP SQUAD DEBUTANT 🏆 What a year for VIP ONLINE client Mitch! He crushed it in the U19s and didn’t shy away when called up to A-Grade – taking on the challenge headfirst. 💪🔥 Mitch lit up the elite Confraternity Carnival, leaving a serious mark, and capped off the season with something special – my man earned a spot in a Mal Meninga Cup squad👏 This is Mitch’s first-ever rep team selection, and it’s 100% deserved. The hard work is paying off – we’re just getting started. Watch this space. 🚀 Outstanding year legend! @mitchmacfarlane_ #MostImproved #RepSquad #MalMeningaCup #AGradeRugby #EliteAthlete #RugbyLeague #HardWorkPaysOff #ConfraternityCarnival #RisingStar #RugbyDevelopment #OnTheRise #RepDebut #TeamSuccess #ChasingGreatness #FutureStar #rugbyleague #nrl #strengthandconditioning
PLAYER OF THE YEAR 🏆 Shout out to my VIP ONLINE client Zavier with an awesome year of footy. #rugbyleague #nrl #viponline #strengthcoach
PLAYER OF THE YEAR 🏆 BEST FORWARD 🏆 Shot T, what an awesome year. This is what happens when you put that work in. #rugbyleague #nrlw #killer #tougherthancaylis🤣
Dominate the Season with VIP Online Coaching 🏉 VIP ONLINE is premium online coaching service designed for serious players looking to take their game to the next level. 🔥 As a VIP client, you’ll get: ✅ Direct communication with me to plan your footy goals and create a strategy that works. ✅ Personalised programming built around your schedule, ensuring it aligns with your specific goals. ✅ Weekly check-ins to keep you accountable, manage your training load, and review game-day performance. 📊 I’ll help you peak at the right time – whether it’s for trials, carnivals, or preseason events. ⚡ Plus, you’ll gain access to proven game-day strategies and recovery protocols to keep you fresh and performing at your best. 💬 Need support? You’ll have unlimited guidance via email, text, or phone – whenever you need it. Are you ready to level up? Let’s work together every step of the way to help you dominate this season. Hit the link in bio or shoot me a message. #RugbyLeague #OnlineCoaching #RugbyFitness #VIPCoaching #RugbyTraining #PeakPerformance #nrl
A GRADE BEST FORWARD 🏆 Congratulations to my VIP ONLINE client Billy. We set a goal last preseason to get a crack in A grade this year. Well not only did you get a crack, you cemented your spot in that squad week after week. Well done weapon, goal achieved and then some. #rugbyleague #nrl #viponline #strengthcoach
My man Maea and the uso’s looking jacked and ready for Cup Preseason. 🔥🔥🔥 #nrl #rugbyleague #strengthandconditioning
BEST FORWARD 🏆 VIP ONLINE client Zac had a great year of footy. The fittest I have ever seen thelad. Some of the tries he scored this year just should never have been scored. His on-field strength is ridiculous. Absolute wrecking ball, tough as hell and all heart. #rugbyleague #nrl #strengthandconditioning #viponline