SD Pentland

May 21, 2018
SD Pentland

Brent knows his stuff when it comes to core strength and conditioning your body. He worked closely with my 12 year old son Jai whom gained a lot of confidence and knowledge via his program.
I can recommend Brent to any one who is interested in core strength training or conditioning your body, he also has a lot of patience with the young ones and plays awesome music 😉 while your training. #Top trainer #top gym

Brent knows his stuff when it comes to core strength and conditioning your body. He worked closely with my 12 year old son Jai whom gained a lot of confidence and knowledge via his program. I can recommend Brent to any one who is interested in core strength training or conditioning your body, he also has a lot of patience with the young ones and plays awesome music 😉 while your training. #Top trainer #top gym


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